Should Phone Calls have a Start, Middle and an End
18 April 2015

You might have noticed, that answering your phone to an unidentified caller is often going to test your stamina. In fact, the same is often true of calls from known …

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The Person that made Time, made plenty of it…..but it comes at a cost!
11 December 2014

Or so it seems. That statement (or the first part of it) was first made to me whilst working on a building site in my teens, and was made to …

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Will Robots be Serving me Food and Driving my Car? – Robot Technology and the Effect on Future Marketing Strategy.
4 November 2014

I recently joined a book club, my first ever, and my heart sank when I found that only the 3rd book in was called “Sex, Bombs and Burgers: How War …

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