How Many People are Registered on Facebook by County in Kenya?

This is a question I keep being asked. So I decided that I should answer it, in terms of how the population looks today. The below infographic covers the entire Facebook population ages 13 – 65+ and is not segmented by anything other than County.  The Counties are not an exact geographic match to the Kenyan Counties.  However if you are looking to target people in specific areas around Kenya this gives you a good idea of how many people you might be able to reach with your brand / product and whether Facebook is a marketing tool that would be useful to add to your strategy.

The total Facebook population in Kenya is currently 6,500,000, but growing at a rapid rate. Nairobi as you might expect has the largest population, but did you know how significant?  Nairobi accounts for 4,600,000 which is 71% of the total Facebook population.

For more information on how Facebook and other on line platforms can be used to target your consumers you can email us:

Sam Crosthwaite-Mboya, Head of Online Marketing