Refining your Social Media Strategy – Seeking Assistance Where you Need it.

When it comes to social media management not every company want to have an external agency manager their activities. Unlike the “Please do it for me” company the “Help us do it ourselves” companies want external support only to help them improve on their current activities.

We know that no one understands your brand and product better than you. We also know that there is immediacy around some aspects of online marketing that can require a considered yet quick response, often best provided in house.

If you have been working with social media for a while and know from an audit that it may require some refinement, you may be looking for an agency to support your existing team with specific elements of social media or online marketing to help them do their job better.

Although this is not an exhaustive list we have noted from the companies that we have worked with that there are 5 key areas where support is often needed;

  1. Scheduling social media content
  2. Developing your own and referencing others content
  3. Maximising free reach on social media
  4. Activity monitoring
  5. Social media advertising

Not every organisation will need every item on this list; you may for example need assistance targeting your message through advertising but not with scheduling content. The right agency will be able to provide you with the correct tailored level of support that is just right for the needs and skills currently within your organisation.

Author: Sam Crosthwaite – Mboya

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Getting the most from your social media strategy