Tips and Tricks for Twitter Content!

Twitter has become an incredibly important tool for social media marketing professionals.
Determining what content works for your brand on Twitter may seem like a guessing game at times, but as many brands have already discovered, finding the right content will bring significant rewards. As you may know Twitter users are 3 times more likely to follow brands than Facebook users. And when people follow brands, 50% plus of the followers tend to use the brand. The source of this information comes from the various social media report articles on the internet. Like the Precise site, the Marketing Professionals, the American Marketing Association, Social Media Today…

Coming up with a successful content strategy is not something that should be taken lightly if you want to increase awareness and ultimately sales of your product. Some basic tips for ensuring effective use of twitter for social media marketing are outlined below:

i. Know your audience. Identify who you’re aiming to talk to and who you want to reach–then provide content that is relevant & valuable to them, in a tone of voice and manner which appeals. As a brand it is your job to think like your audience. If you do it will ensure that you truly engage with your audience and form relationships with them, As a result success will follow.

ii. Engage with both followers and non-followers. Take some time each day to reach out to users having conversations relevant to your brand. Sending the same messages to everyone you interact with is obvious and makes your brand seem unauthentic.

iii. Keep tweets short and concise. Even though you have 140 characters to play with, shorter is always better. But don’t lose sight of your brand voice.

iv. Tweet about promotions and coupons. Posting about promotions and coupons is great, but it should not be all that you do. Your content should be well-rounded. Think carefully about what each tweet is aiming to achieve.

v. Use images. Twitter is becoming a more visual social network and images seem to be bonding well for those using them. Just like on other social networks, the images you post on Twitter should be creative, attractive and obviously linked to your brand message.

vi. Use relevant hashtags. Use hashtags related to your brand, but also keep an eye on popular or trending hashtags to use whenever possible as a way of expanding your reach.

And by doing all these, not only will you get many followers but your sales will increase drastically (it should). Feel free to leave some feedback.

Elizabeth Kanini – Marketing Operations Executive (Social Media)
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